Attend a Town Hall!

Congress is on break from April 10-21, which means your representatives should be back in their home districts. Enter your zipcode on the Town Hall Project website to find Town Halls near you!

Here in Los Angeles, Senator Dianne Feinstein is holding a town hall on Thursday, April 20 at 11am (doors open at 10am) at the First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Los Angeles at 2270 S Harvard Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018. RSVPs are required and space is limited. Sign up here.

Senator Kamala Harris will also be visiting LA. Her town hall is on Friday, April 21 from 3:30-5pm (doors open at 2:30pm) at the Holman United Methodist Church at 3320 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018. RSVPs are required and space is limited. Sign up here.

Support A Day Without A Woman (3/8)

The organizers of the Women’s March on Washington and the sister marches across the United States have organized “A Day Without A Woman” to occur this Wednesday, March 8, which is International Women’s Day. The Women’s March organizers suggested three ways for women to support A Day Without A Woman:

  1. Women take the day off, from paid and unpaid labor.
  2. Avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses).
  3. Wear RED in solidarity with A Day Without A Woman

The first action of skipping work and unpaid labor is probably impossible for most women, but we encourage all of our followers to wear red on Wednesday and avoid unnecessary shopping.

Oppose Cuts to EPA Funding

Call the House Appropriations Committee Chair Frelinghuysen (R,NJ-11) at 202-225-5034 and Ranking Democrat Lowey (D, NY-17) at 202-225-6506 to oppose cuts to EPA funding. The House Appropriations Committee includes 30 Republicans and 22 Democrats. Check the list here and call your representatives directly if they happen to sit on the committee. There are five Californians on the committee:

Call Your Reps to Demand that AG Sessions Resign

Attorney General Sessions claimed during his confirmation hearing that he “did not have communications with the Russians,” but we now know that Sessions talked with Russia’s ambassador to the United States on two separate occasions in 2016. Sessions’s failure to disclose this information during his confirmation hearing constitutes lying under oath and demonstrates that he is not fit to be the Attorney General.

Call your US Representatives today and ask them to join Representatives Pelosi and Cummings in demanding that Attorney General Sessions resign.